An Energy Based Treatment Model for Panic and Anxiety Disorder
New England School of Acupuncture
June, 2006


Objectives: To address the lack of a single well understood mechanism to account for a wide range of symptoms and to determine the root causes for Anxiety and Panic Disorder.
Treatment:  A successful treatment of a patient with a history of Panic and Anxiety Disorder using an Energy Based Treatment Model.  This case suggests the theory that this condition is a result of a progressive structural energetic misalignment.
Conclusion:  An energy based treatment model points to a unified mechanism that may trigger onset of Panic and Anxiety disorder.


Anxiety and Panic Disorder is characterized as a mental disorder in the DSM Diagnostic Statistical Manual issued by the American Psychiatric Association.  The onset of symptoms can be acute or slow. Clinically, the condition is manifested as an uncomfortable feeling of fear, uneasiness, or concern that something bad may happen.  Because it can cause a wide range of physical symptoms such as insomnia, rapid heartbeat, nausea and abdominal distress, severe headaches, feeling dizzy or faint, patients often seek separate treatments for individual symptoms, presenting them as unrelated “main complaints.”  They may seek treatment for heart palpitations from cardiologists, abdominal distress from gastroenterologists, and headaches from pain clinics. This often results in a delayed diagnosis of the condition.  While the symptomology of the condition has been widely studied, the mechanism that triggers those symptoms is not well understood, which often makes proper diagnosis more difficult.  This case report illustrates a theory that the Anxiety and Panic Disorder, with all its underlying symptoms, develops as a result of a progressive structural energetic misalignment. 
The Energetic Placenta: Healing from Abortion and Miscarriage

The Energetic Placenta: Healing from Abortion and Miscarriage
Click here for the original article.

It happened around twenty years ago, soon after I ventured into the field of energy healing. I was giving a healing treatment to a friend, when I sensed a peculiar dense energy in her abdomen. As I started working on that area, this energy did not just transform or dissipate. Instead, while retaining a certain coherent quality, it started moving down the abdomen. For a brief moment it felt as if it got stuck at the narrow area of the coccyx, and then, almost with a push, it released. Once outside of the body, it remained there, held in my hands.

This body of energy had a distinct, almost physical texture, somewhat dense, translucent and almost jello-like. My friend was aware of that energy as well, how it was moving through her belly and now the way it lingered in my hands. She said that as the energy moved out, she had a very powerful sense as if something that was held in her for a very long time just left, a sense of ease, of her body being cleansed and made right in a way that felt very deep and profound.

As I continued to hold that energy, trying to understand why it did not simply dissipate, I kept wondering what it was reminding me of. It was only a year since I had my first child, and suddenly it flashed before my eye: the translucent jello-like energy felt like a placenta. I asked my friend if that interpretation made any sense to her, and she started crying. She said that over 8 years ago, before her marriage, she had an abortion, and in retrospect her body never felt the same since. Only now, after this energy released, she realized that all this time she had the feeling of heaviness in her abdomen, reasons for which she could not explain.

That was my first realization that there was an “energetic placenta” that can remain in the womb if a pregnancy does not continue. I asked what she wanted me to do with it. She said that she knew of placenta burying rituals and wanted us to visualize a ceremony of burying it under a big tree in her yard. We did the ceremony, placing the energy under the shady tree, so that her spirit and the spirit of the baby were reconnected and grounded in the cycles of nature.

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