About The Book Have you been on a healing journey, but found yourself frustrated with the difficulties of manifesting the changes you desire, and blaming yourself for your lack of success?
With Energetic Boundaries: A New Paradigm For Effortless Healing, Yuliya Cohen offers a breakthrough comprehensive manual that guides you towards gentle and lasting healing, allowing you to live in your body and the world with trust in the wisdom of the universe. It uncovers the universal principles and structures, by drawing from science and time-honored spiritual traditions. The unique thing about this book is that it’s both a Healing Manual 101, as well as an Advanced Manual in Energy Mastery at the same time, making these invaluable tools and teachings accessible to all, in a way that will enhance and complement whatever you already know or practice. These methodologies were originally put to paper for the Energy Mastery curriculum, for the New England School of Acupuncture’s graduate school, and continuously refined over years of practice. Yuliya’s entire energy restructuring model is covered step-by-step, illuminated by theories, practices, insights, and stories. Each chapter covers its own unique universal principle in a way that will forever expand and change your perceptions of Energy Healing. Concepts explored include:
• The physical reality of defining your protective Energetic Boundaries, enabling you to feel safe and protected even if you’re energy sensitive.
• How to unlock the power of your Energetic Membrane; the missing key to understanding your subtle anatomy of chakras and meridians.
• Connecting to the infinite possibilities of a sacred realm, through the three major aspects of the principles of Sacred Space, as taught by Kabbalah. This will open a way for you to connect to the miracles and magic in life, as you learn to navigate the fine line between the physical and mystery domain.
• Self-diagnostic techniques that enable you to instantly and effortless reclaim power and energy lost to life challenges, past traumas, anxieties, or negative thoughts.
• Tap into your Energetic Membrane’s innate energy intelligence – part of the powerful force that is woven into the very fabric of the universe and into every moment of your existence; an ability to tune into the wavelength of other people, situations or your own emotions. By learning this skill, you can stop worrying about what you need to do in a particular situation, and allow your energy field to guide your intuition, make the right life choices, and make deeper connections with others.
And more….
In creating this book Yuliya has uncovered and presented the art and science of effortless healing. Instead of trying to manage your energetic well-being all by yourself, you delegate this task to the inherent wisdom of the powerful energetic principles and structures. The core of this power comes from activating your Energetic Membraned-boundary, which tracks what happens to you across time and space; a doorway to the quantum field of your infinite potential for creating shifts in your personal life and the world.
“I truly appreciate the concreteness of your work, although I must admit what really amazed me was how you were able to connect so many diverse fields into a single system. It is truly a work of genius in my eyes. At first, I found some of the claims dubious, but the more I explore those tools, the more I am convinced of their truths. People deserve the protections which are native to them. The human frame [Energetic Membraned-boundary] is truly a thing of joy when at its full power and grace.”
“Yuliya has devised a simple step-by-step method to teaching anyone to become aware of the energetic and emotional boundaries, in order to reclaim a power that is inherent to every human being, offering a new perspective on life. The method she teaches in her book is as fundamental as reading and writing, and should be taught in every school in the country.”
Yuliya Talks About Energetic Boundaries
"If you have been on a healing journey, whether as a clinician or a patient, but found yourself frustrated with the difficulties of manifesting the changes you desire, and blaming yourself for your lack of success, Energetic Boundaries: The New Paradigm for Effortless Healing will enable you to easily uncover the missing steps and overcome obstacles on your way. Based on the pioneering Energy Restructuring Methodology, this book will take you on an exciting Jedi-like journey into the realm of Energy Intelligence through the exploration of your Energy Field and its life-force regulating membrane, towards the New Paradigm of Effortless Healing and Transformation."
-- TheConference.ca
| Written Testimonials
"For me the most surprising about reading the book was the use of affirmations. You tell us in the book – just say it, just repeat it three times and it will work unfailingly. Uninitiated thinker would think – oh, sure, one more affirmation that I would have to repeat endlessly. It is just what I need – another affirmation! And then it was such a surprise to say it and have it literally shift energy. At that moment you begin to realize it. That this is not just another affirmation. You are actually working with something more powerful – a universal principle!"
-- Amy P.
"As we grow and expand, the tools have to grow and expand
in order to take us from where we are and to where we are heading.
And it may take time till people get to that next place at
their own pace and in their own time, till they can receive it.
Energy Restructuring Methodology represents the new generation
of such tools."
-- Jane |